
Manual Agent Installation

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Steps to Add Linux through Manual Agent Installation

Step 1: Download BDRCloud Backup Agent

Linux(64-bit) – Debian Linux 10.0 & above, Ubuntu 18.04 & above, CentOS 7.5 & above, CloudLinux 7.10 & above, Fedora 32 & above, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 & above, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 & above – Download

Step 2: BDRCloud Backup Agent Installation on Individual Backup Hosts

  • Run Backup Agent setup file on the target host and follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the installation.

Linux: sudo sh

  • During the installation, you will be prompted to enter the following information:

Display Name: Enter a name to identify the host in the BDRCloud Server.

  • Complete the installation process by providing the necessary information.
  • Once the installation is successful, the agent will automatically establish connection and register the host with the BDRCloud Server.
  • To verify the installation and connection, go to the Data Sources menu on the backup server. You will see the host details, including the display name, Hostname/IP address and connection status.

Once the backup agent installation is successful using any of the above methods, the agent will automatically establish connection and register the host with the backup server. You will see the host details, including the Name, IP Address/DNS Name and Agent Status – Active.

Once the host is successfully listed under the Data Sources menu, you can configure backups from the ‘Backup -> Configure Backup’ menu.

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